Eczema Diet Reviews and Testimonials
Amazon book reviews:
Email from Liz O (former patient)
“My family has had great success on Karen's eczema diet program. The Eczema Diet is a beautifully presented and practical book that will be a valuable and powerful tool for improving the general health and the skin of millions of eczema sufferers around the world.”~ Dr Gary M. Leong, Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Mater Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia
"Your Healthy Skin and Eczema Diet books have been our amazing saviours for our son who presented with eczema after I weaned breastfeeding at 12 months and started cows milk. Oh dear! We struggled for quite a while until I found your healthy skin book at the library. I now own them both and our now 3 year year old boy has clear skin due to your elimination diet advice... I was always a label reader but the importance of removing the nasties become much more apparent with my sons eczema struggle. Struggle no more! Thank you Karen, I must tell you that it’s wonderful and appreciated that you have researched, written and shared your endeavours for eczema children and families. Thank you feels like an understatement." Rochelle B.
"Hi there Karen. I've been back from Europe 5 weeks now and The Eczema Diet has worked even better than last time – completely eczema free in 3 weeks (I didn't get 100% clear before) and have been clear for about another 2 weeks now. I'm stunned by the good results and my wife is speechless (just strokes my eczema-free hands and then looks at me in disbelief). I never thought it could work this quick!" Andrew M. (New Zealand)

“Hello Karen, You are a life saver. My eczema got so bad that it became infected on my back, and I was suffering without any results after seeing two well known San Francisco Bay Area dermatologists. Luckily, my partner found the Eczema Diet book online. The reason I'm writing is that I've explained to co-workers today that I'm on the last day of the 3 Day Cleanse, after following eating only Stage 1 foods for the last 30 days, and when I shared my results, three colleagues immediately wanted to know where to buy the book to help relatives who have eczema issues... As you can probably believe, one of the dermatologists actually told me to eat whatever I want, as I was suffering enough with the infected eczema. If I help alleviate even one person from a similar hell that I was experiencing, it will be well worth it. I will certainly spread the word.” Doug L. (USA)
Eczema Diet facebook page comment:
“I am just writing to thank you. I have been itching nonstop for 6 months and have eczema on arms, legs and face and more widespread in winter. I have been praying hard for a solution. I got one with your book. Within 3 days I have no itch and my skin is clear. THANK YOU for writing the book, the Eczema Diet - you are literally the answer to my prayers! Now I am going to follow the book's advice and may even be able to tolerate salicylates after 12 years avoiding them because of intolerance. I feel such hope for the future. Thank you.” Barbara F.

THANK YOU for your support, kind words and reviews of The Eczema Diet.
Karen Fischer does not receive funding for her work and it's taken ten years of research, testing and writing in order to produce this book and we really appreciate you taking the time to let us know how you're going. Please note reviews can be submitted via the Eczema Diet facebook page or email us (below).
Many thanks!