The Eczema Diet and Skin Friend supplement FAQs

Can I eat eggs, dairy, seafood and meat if I have eczema?

Can I be vegan or vegetarian while on The Eczema Diet?

Is coconut oil and coconut milk good for my eczema?

Are nightshades bad for eczema?

Where do I buy the supplements mentioned in The Eczema Diet?

Do your products help dust mite allergy?

What products can I use for atopic dermatitis?

Is The Eczema Diet suitable for babies and children?

Can I take Skin Friend while I'm pregnant or breast feeding?

Is The Eczema Diet suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

What I should eat to heal my eczema?

What supplements should I take for my eczema?

Where do I buy the Skin Friend supplements for eczema?

Can I read The Eczema Diet for free?

Download the Skin Friend product brochure here >>


The Eczema Diet problem-solving tips >> 

Eczema Consultation FAQs

Nutritionist Karen Fischer is busy creating a range of new products for eczema, so individual consultations are no longer available. Karen now sells her unique eczema programs via the Eczema Diet Membership website. You can speak to Karen and her team of nutritionists on the support forum where there are no appointments necessary. Visit our product page here

Topical Steroid FAQs

Can I use topical steroids while on The Eczema Diet?

Is it safe to use topical steroids on my child?

What is Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome and can The Eczema Diet help me recover quicker?

What is Red Skin Syndrome and can The Eczema Diet help?

Can topical steroids cause Cushings Syndrome?