• The Itchy Dozen Worst Foods for Eczema

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We are here to help

My daughter Ayva was born with eczema and I presumed there was nothing I could do about it... When she was 10 months old I took her to the Early Childhood Centre for a check up and a nurse who had seen us months ago exclaimed "Has your child STILL got eczema?!" I thought how rude, eczema is a genetic condition and there is nothing I can do about it. The Nurse explained there WAS something I could do, and after a few months of research, I designed a program that enabled my daughter to become free of eczema.

That was 20 years ago.

Since then my team of qualified nutritionists and I have helped thousands of eczema patients get their life back.

Including my own!

After a bout of stress (and a mouldy house!) I developed head-to-toe eczema and MCAS which left me allergic to cold weather and unable to eat most foods. It was hell but I did the program, got well, got my skin strong and clear, and I've expanded my diet (I can eat almost everything again—eating out is a breeze!).

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Click here for our SMOOTHIE BOWL recipe (see image below).

Eczema Diet Recipes

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